458 Ponce de Leon Ave. NE
Atlanta, GA 30308


Community Support

These programs are sponsored by The Orion School and are free to the community. General information on each program and upcoming dates are provided below. In turn, if you feel that the presented programs are difficult for you, contact https://essaysleader.com/write-an-interview-essay/ and ask them to writing an interview essay on any topic (general or highly specialized ) and get advice, support, analysis.

Soccer Saturdays

Our popular drop in Soccer Saturdays program occurs each fall and is open to the community. We provide a safe, structured, low stress environment for both the children and their families. This program allows for children who are not able to participate in traditional soccer because of their disability to be part of a team and learn the rules and how to be a “good sport.”

Parent Support Group

As part of our effort to fully support Orion families and also the larger parenting community, monthly parenting support sessions are offered. Parenting support and education is part of the multimodal treatment plan recommended for families raising a child who has ADHD and other developmental differences. The group is facilitated by Orion parent and educator Katherine McGee.

The Orion Parent Support program is designed to provide parents with information, understanding, support and emotional guidance in a supportive group setting. In our sessions, a mental health professional will lead discussions about topics unique to parenting our children.

The parents attending will get:

- Professional assistance concerning parenting issues that arise each month.
- Evidence-based research and information that is requested or needed about parenting or family life.
- Professional advice that is tailored and sensitive to the many ways in which families are built such as adoption, single families and alternative or extended family groupings.
- Behavioral tips and strategies.
- Guided brainstorming about ways of handling situations. The handling should resonate and be tuned in to the care giver style, family and culture, whenever possible.
- A calm environment to relax and build relationships and support with other parents.
- A light dinner is available for parents who are coming straight from work.

Community Parent Support Series
Schedule for 2011-2012

Tuesday, September 13
Parent Social- Back to School Sip and See

Tuesday, October 11
Parent Support- Seeking Social Skills for your child? Join the club!

Tuesday, November 8
Parent Training- School to Home: How to Make The Alert Program Work for You

Tuesday, December 6
Parent Social- Winter Wine Tasting

Tuesday, January 10
Parent Support- Behavior Intervention Strategies

Tuesday, February 7
Parent Training- Teacher’s Talk: ADHD and ASD/Asperger’s in the Classroom

Tuesday, March 6
Parent Social- The (Not So) Trivial Pursuit Tournament

Tuesday, April 10
Parent Training- The What, Where, Why of Executive Functioning & How to Help

Tuesday, May 8

Parent Support- It Worked for Me! Come share and receive tried and true tips from parents like you!



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The Orion School Copyright© 2022
The Orion School is accredited through 2012-2013 by the Georgia Accreding Commission
The State Board of Education has approved The Orion School to participate in the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship Program