The Orion School People

Christina Warburton
Operations Manager
An activist involved in various school and community events, a reaction paper writer from and an influencer.

As both a staff member and a parent I am thrilled to be a part of the Orion School.  I studied at the University of Florida, where I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and graduated Cum Laude.  After graduating I moved to Georgia and began graduate school at the University of Georgia where I earned a Master’s Degree in Social Work.  After college I worked as a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Counselor in downtown Atlanta.  Two short years (and big student loan debt) later, I left Social Work for a career in the business sector.  For the past 10 years I worked in both Marketing and Operations at an industrial supply company.  

Almost five years ago I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy – Jax.  His infancy was typical but after being asked to leave a Montessori school when he was two-and-a-half I realized there was something a little different about him. After a long journey of multiple schools and many, many occupational therapy sessions I found The Orion School for my son.  After his acceptance I decided to switch to a career that was more in line with my therapeutic educational background; alas, I ended up working for The Orion School.   My role at the school has allowed me to merge an understanding of at-risk populations with operations management experience for a very fulfilling balance. 

My family and I are so relieved to be a part of such a supportive environment.  I am super excited to be involved with a school that helps children like Jax grow and flourish in an academic setting.



The Orion School is a member of the Georgia Association of Private Schools for Exceptional Children (GAPSEC)  
The State Board of Education has approved The Orion School to participate in the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship Program  

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